Dedicated to those who love to travel like us.
Is training with an e-bike possible?
Those who know us by now will be tired of hearing it, but getting around the city on an Askoll e-bike is money-saving (with € 0.05 you can travel up to 80 km), agile (pedal freely, keep yourself away from the traffic), sustainable (nature thanks you) and fun.

Getting around the city on an Askoll e-bike also helps you keep fit and achieve the daily goals set by your inclement fitness watch.

Cycling, in fact, helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases, keeps body weight under control, improves mood by stimulating the production of endorphins and does not overstimulate the joints.

Compared to traditional bikes, pedal-assisted bikes allow you to benefit from physical movement without excessively stressing the body with efforts that are not adequate for our possibilities.

But how can we truly benefit to the fullest from riding our e-bikes? Sara Armento, athlete and sports blogger, tells us how to make cycling in the city our daily exercise.

What benefits can we achieve from using an e-bike?

I find that the e-bike summarizes the best of the classic city bicycle and the comfort of the scooter. It allows you to keep active by making healthy movement, making travel practical without the worry of traffic. It also makes you go faster thanks to the pedal assistance.

It does not pollute and has the advantage of not having to worry about supplies, stamps, coupons, with reasonable economic saving. Choosing an e-bike will bring multiple benefits: first of all, it will benefit our body and our mood; then the environment and finally also our wallet will remain satisfied.


How much time per day do you need to ride to find benefits?

I don't make it so much a question of time, as of frequency of use.
In fact, we are not talking about real bicycle training, a topic that goes beyond my skills as I am not a coach, and my workouts are designed and programmed by my coach.

I recommend using the bicycle as often as possible and for various reasons: going to work, meeting a friend on an appointment, shopping (buying fewer products and maybe going to the supermarket once more), hurrying errands.
The use of the e-bike could be an excellent warm-up before the activity: if you train at the end of the day, or in the case of morning training, it would be an excellent way to prolong the activity in a cool-down mode, also allowing us to burn a few more calories.

How can you get the most out of pedalling on an e-bike? How to manage all the assisted modes?

A bit of general advice, I would like to give when it comes to sports is to always vary from repeating the same type of activity over and over again. It is what I also do daily with my workouts. The watchword is variety. For example, one day I run, another I pedal, swim or practise yoga: the benefits are there. They are visible, even in terms of improvement. I can assure you that.

Specifically, when using an e-bike, it can be beneficial to alternate the levels of pedal assistance; starting with a higher level of assistance and appropriate to the type of route you are facing and then reducing the assistance mode after the first few minutes can allow you to start your "training" loosely, without difficulty or excessive effort, and then slightly increase the effort. The constant thrust given by the e-bike makes it possible to make this small exercise not too demanding, although useful and practical.


Practical in the city, green and perfect training partner, choosing to move by e-bike is a real lifestyle. Embrace it with us.


Sara Armento, athlete and sports blogger with a past as an agonist gymnast and the last three years spent running around the world (she has run 10 marathons and an ultramarathon, the 100 km of the Passatore), tells of her races on the pages of her blog and quest year has decided to embark on a new adventure, to approach the world of road cycling.