Dedicated to those who love to travel like us.
Askoll Library: “Green Living, green is in fashion”.
Ecology, sustainability, green living: people talk about it a lot, in a great many contexts. From politics to economics, from cuisine to high fashion. Every realm of our society is seeking to express its “green” sensitivity through ventures, company choices, events. We can only be pleased about this. But it is also true that one sentence turns up frequently, namely: “if every one of us did something, every day, this change would really be possible." People have said it to us and, very probably, we have also said it ourselves.

Then we read the book by Annalisa Varesi, Design Senior Editor at, writer and keen blogger about the home, design and environment. And we found something tangible. The book is called “Vivere Green – il verde va di moda!”(“Green Living – green is in fashion!”) and is proposed as a manual of small proposals for big solutions. Pleasant, intriguing, useful, modern and above all written by a person who certainly does not aim to upset our habits. In short, we can all adopt a lifestyle with a low environmental impact while having fun. Here are some of the topics suggested by Annalisa: do-it-yourself energy saving, recycling without hassle, green cuisine, zero-impact dinners, high-quality cosmetics (but homemade!), vintage charm, eco-design and, of course, sustainable mobility. If you have chosen an Askoll bicycle or scooter, you are already going in the right direction. Now all you have to do is involve other aspects of your life. Cooking? Cleaning the house? Design? You are free to choose, let your imagination run wild. Hurrah for Green!

Image Credit: Hoepli